Fall 2019 Schedule Postcard2

Fall Yoga

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Ahhhh, the beginning of fall…all of a sudden the days are a little shorter, the horizon that was lush and dark green just a few weeks ago is taking on the slightest tinge of yellow, and there is that subtle sweet smell as the leaves begin to fall and pile up.  Like every change of season, fall reminds us of transitions and the opportunity to shift our thought patterns and our behaviors.   

Transitions are ever present in our yoga practice where they appear as the space between postures when we move through a sun salutation, and more subtly, as the “space” between the inhalation and exhalation in our breath.   Taking the time to be fully present during times of transitions isn’t necessarily something we think about doing in our day to day lives.  But, according to nurse, journalist, and yoga teacher, Carmella Cattuti, the way that we approach transitions in yoga “reveals how we approach those undefined, ambiguous areas in our lives.”

Take a deep breath and enjoy the space of transition that THIS fall presents to begin or renew your yoga practice!  Our regular schedule includes early morning, evening, and daytime classes.  We look forward to seeing you soon!


Following the transition theme, this website will soon be changing from Elliott’s Uptown Fitness to First Street Yoga We will be posting yoga information, current updates on classes and workshops. Please revisit often!