Creating Space
During my own weekly yoga class today, my teacher, Fannie Hungerford, talked about the Sanskrit word, sukha. Sukha is literally translated as “space” and in yoga philosophy space is considered to be something that is inherently beneficial. The space of sukha allows for a sense of ease, comfort and lightness in the body. Space also provides us with room. This can be something as straightforward as room to maneuver, but also with things less tangible like the room to change our minds, room to change position on long held beliefs, room to change our habits, and room to see things from a new angle.
Restorative yoga is a practice of creating space. During restorative yoga, props are used to support the entire body in a position of comfort. Because we are comfortable, it becomes effortless to rest in a position designed to release tight muscles and relieve accumulated stress. As we deeply relax, the body has an opportunity to replenish stores of energy and recover a sense of ease. It is here that the body and the mind are brought into balance to quietly support one another and promote healing. No matter where you are in your journey of yoga you will find restorative yoga a perfect adjunct to your regular practice.
Our usual first Sunday of the month Restorative class is this weekend on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, FROM 4 – 5:30 pm and we hope that you can join us. This class does require pre-registration which you can do by contacting us at First Street Yoga or by directly emailing Carol Daly. She will confirm your registration and send a reminder email on Saturday, the 1st. Cost is $10 or one class punch for current students and $15 when dropping in for this special 90 minute class.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Contact info for Restorative Yoga: