
Yoga in the New Normal

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Some things are the same – we all continue to live with the knowns and unknowns of SARS-CoV-2.  But, things are also changing as we reflect on the experience of “lockdown” and try to reimagine the full meaning of the word health. 

For one, I’m incredibly grateful for the results of the lockdown that is estimated to have spared the lives of over 3 million pe0ple in Europe alone.   But, the overall impact of lockdown has also been devastating as people have lost employment and many struggle to keep their homes and put food on the table.  And, the lockdown has brought forward issues that simply can no longer be denied.  Now we look full on at the long standing social, economic, and health disparities that shape the lives of people of color and deny our society the benefits of diversity

How do we go forward?  Perhaps the first thing we need to do is to acknowledge that life on permanent lockdown is not sustainable.  Then what?  While there’s a sense of “your guess is as good as mine” that’s not really true.  The virus is still with us and we don’t yet have a vaccine.  But we can stick to what we know – wearing masks, keeping physical distance from one another, and washing our hands.  Then, we can make a choice to emerge to whatever degree works for us.

Like so many businesses, First Street Yoga is committed to providing a range of options from “no contact yoga” (aka Virtual Yoga) to “limited contact yoga” (aka yoga in Studio A).  Please check out our website “Classes/Schedule” page to learn more about how we are working hard to keep yoga a part of the life of our community.

Wishing you all well!  Namaste, Carol